Ideas for Arc XP

Can admin control the theme (colors, banner etc.) of environments?

We worry that our end-users will mess up the environments (between SandBox and Production) during operation.
Can we force the banner / background color? say, Production is red, and Sandbox is green?

  • Jones Chan
  • Jan 16 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Anais Felt commented
    January 06, 2020 17:58

    Hi Jones, thanks for sending over this suggestion. We did work with the design team and conducted user testing to achieve the current implementation of green for production and yellow for sandbox and all other environments.The box that changes environment name in the top nav changes color. I have posted screenshot below. We are open to hearing feedback on this implementation and re-examining this choice because we certainly want users to be aware of which environment they are in -- this was central to our testing, our goal was to make this clear in a design conscious and useful display. At this time, we are not considering making this configurable by organization, but I will take note of that aspect of this Idea for future consideration. Many thanks for contributing to the ideas portal, I will be checking back here often in 2020!