Ideas for Arc XP

Improve searchability and filtering/permissions options for author service

We have a situation where we wanted to import a lot (thousands) of external authors as well as staff into Arc. We wanted to use the author service for this, but the service fell short in many ways. 

* We have a multisite setup with 4 different publications with separate authors for each publication. As the author data structure is entirely flat and with no bindings to the different websites, all authors will be available for all publications. 

For a limited set of authors that would be ok, but we had thousands of authors. So searching and disambiguation of authors get very hard.

We would like to:

* Be able to associate an author to a publication/website  - maybe use the distributor concept? It should be possible to limit the set of authors to search based on the permissions/website/distributors the user has access to. 

* Have a better way to search authors from the composer  - and in the author interface. Maybe a popup window to the author interface,  like for photos and videos?
All author fields should be searchable, and it should be possible to filter authors based facets on the different attributes of the author:

- active/incactive, contributor status, location, author_type, and more


- It should be possible to search  guest authors in the same way as normal authors. There should be a clear concept in the author service separating guests from staff.


It should of course also be an API endpoint with a maintained ANS schema for authors as well.

  • Arnstein Andreassen
  • Jan 2 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Troy Blevins commented
    March 27, 2023 19:04

    Hi there,

    I'm looking to see if there's an update on this Arc Idea from a few years ago currently labeled as "Future consideration." I was going to file my own idea to be able to sort authors by website and current status (whether inactive/active), and having these options (and the others listed in the description above) would be great to have.


  • kurt gessler commented
    December 08, 2020 21:04

    This: "Be able to associate an author to a publication/website"

  • Lynda Finley commented
    January 03, 2020 21:02

    Especially important: 

    All author fields should be searchable, and it should be possible to filter authors based facets on the different attributes of the author:

    - active/inactive, contributor status, location, author_type, and more

     - It should be possible to search  guest authors in the same way as normal authors. There should be a clear concept in the author service separating guests from staff.

     - It should of course also be an API endpoint with a maintained ANS schema for authors as well.