Ideas for Arc XP

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Allow more detailed management of Tags in Global Settings

The UI for tag management is slightly easier in Global Settings than it was in Tags Service.  However, it still leaves much to be desired.  Here are a few things I would like to be able to do with Tags:


  • Organize them into folders or nested lists
  • Archive or hide old, inactive tags (from Global Settings AND Composer, Photo Center, etc.)
  • Link tags with site sections in some way (i.e. defining a "Super Bowl XLI" tag as part of Sports)
  • A separate area for analytic tags vs. editorial tags (even if there is no difference in ANS, it would be helpful for us to have a distinction in the UI)
    • To that end, some recommended or suggested analytic tags might be helpful for onboarding new customers


  • Jessica Parks
  • Feb 10 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Jessica Parks commented
      February 12, 2020 15:33

      Old, inactive tags might include:

      - temporary topics that have ended (i.e. Super Bowl XLI)

      - tags that were carried over as part of Arc onboarding/content migration and are not needed anymore

      - tags that were experimental or analytics

      (Also will post to DP-I-3)

    • Gregory Engel commented
      February 12, 2020 15:23

      I'm going to mark this particular idea as Will Not Implement just so there's no duplicate with the others, but feel free to vote / comment on each respective idea in the other threads.

    • Gregory Engel commented
      February 12, 2020 15:21

      Hi Jessica,

      There are a lot of good ideas here, so I've broken them up for tracking purposes:

      Previously you suggested attaching tags to sections here:


      I've added the WebSked idea here:

    • Lynda Finley commented
      February 11, 2020 22:20

      I would define "old, inactive" tags as those we don't want to display any longer for whatever reason. 

    • T.J. Furman commented
      February 11, 2020 16:40

      The ability to search by tag in Websked would be helpful, too.

    • Ian Krantz commented
      February 10, 2020 23:04

      Question for Jessica:  how do you define an “old, Inactive” tag?  is this a tag that you still want to be functional on existing stories that have it, but no longer to be available for assignment to content items in the various editorial tools?  



      ian Krantz