reCAPTCHA v2 is better than many other options when it comes to accessibility, but it does still have some drawbacks, especially for people who cannot both clearly see and hear.
reCAPTCHA v3, and to some extent reCAPTCHA Enterprise seem like they may improve this situation, since they're less dependent on visual/audio challenges, and should challenge fewer users too.
We've released integration for reCAPTCHA v3 with the latest release. We may implement enterprise in the future but not at this time. V3 integration should meet your needs for accessibility. You can find more information about the release in ALC here
Thanks for the idea submission -- Adding support for v3 is something we've discussed in the past so it is helpful to know that there's client interest. We know that some clients might be concerned about the cost of the enterprise offering and the potential performance hit of including the service on every page, but there are strong benefits to consider as well.