Ideas for Arc XP

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Auth & Security: Don't expire password-reset nonces when multiple requests occur in a short period of time.

We have a lot of impatient users who request multiple password resets within a few minutes. Inevitably they click on the first email that arrives which contains a reset nonce that expired because a new one was requested.

This issue is difficult to diagnose and explain to our users. It would be far easier if nonce-expiration were not sequence-based

  • Ian Bonner
  • Oct 18 2021
  • Future consideration
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    • Admin
      Jessica Cavallo commented
      November 02, 2021 15:10

      Thank you Ian for the feedback and suggestion! We'll look into this as a future feature change.

    • Ian Bonner commented
      October 28, 2021 15:42

      Blueconic handles this nicely