Ideas for Arc XP

Video Center Default Values

When Video Center Default Values are set such that Clipped live video defaults and Live Events defaults use the Type Live it makes it so that all Live events and all clips created from Live events by default use settings for the Live Type such as the distributor set for the Type. We would like a way to pick another Type for some Live Events which then clips would inherit. Basically, add a Type selection in the Live Event setup so that it can be changed per event from the default.

Use case: We operate both English and Spanish sites. We have our default Live type set for a distributor for all the English sites. When the Spanish sites create a Live Event or clips from a Live Event, they get the English distributor by default. It would be preferable they have our Spanish distributor by default.

  • Clay McNeill
  • Jun 17 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files