Ideas for Arc XP

Bring back Gif creation functionality in Video Center

In Video Center there is a button allowing users to create a gif to use as a thumbnail with their video.
Unfortunately this functionality was disabled in January 2020 as part of the Video Center Release 1.98 albeit with the promise that it would be reinstated in a future release.

Almost three years later and it still has not been reinstated.

We would very much like to have that funtionality returned.

  • Luke Cassidy
  • Dec 19 2022
  • Needs more information
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Joshua Rester Zodrow commented
    6 Jul, 2023 04:30pm

    We've fully deprecated this feature as of this week. Please note that the Gif functionality is still on the table (distant future), but we will need to re-analyze the implementation from the ground up.

  • Luke Cassidy commented
    16 Mar, 2023 04:07pm

    Hi Dominik and Lawrence,

    1: What is your ideal workflow for creating thumbnail gifs a video?
    For us, we don't need a gif with every video so the second option Dominik mentions where a GIF is generate upon request in the browser would work.
    Functionality should be more or less the same as the create Thumnail workflow with the added addition of being able to set the start and end time of GIF.

    2: Are you looking to create this gif to be used elsewhere? Or just for a thumbnail?
    We would be looking to use the GIF in other areas - possibly as teaser or standalone artwork for stories or a series and/or across social chanels.

    3: What is the business impact of this feature?
    We are reliant on a small number of specialist users to produce GIFs and are at the mercy of their workload. If this feature was reintroduced it would greatly democratise GIF creation.


  • Dominik Süß commented
    15 Mar, 2023 06:57pm

    Hi together. We would currently also benefit from this feature, so I wanted to give my two cents.

    1. What is your ideal workflow for creating thumbnail gifs a video?

      1. The GIF should be automatically generated when uploading a video. In our case most if not all videos would need a GIF thumbnail anyways. Another option would be to generate the GIF when it's first requested from a browser. This would lead to only GIFs being generated for videos that are actually needed, but would also require a placeholder in the website until the GIF has been created. We could work with both options.

    2. Are you looking to create this gif to be used elsewhere? Or just for a thumbnail?

      1. Only as a thumbnail.

    3. What is the business impact of this feature?

      1. We are thinking about providing the user the option to preview the first few seconds of a video via mouseover on it's thumbnail. Because of that, it would also be important for us to only play the "GIF" when mousing over it, not when it's coming into the viewport. GIFs are also rather large in byte size compared to videos, so we'd also prefer to render videos instead due to performance. These can also be handled in more detail - and paused - via JavaScript.

      2. We thought about building a solution ourselves for that use case, but that would require considerable investment in development and we might need to separately save and host the generated thumbnail GIFs / videos if we don't want to flood the video / photo center in Arc.

    Hope this helps and kind regards


  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    22 Feb, 2023 06:22pm

    Hi, thanks for the idea submission! We will explore reinstating this feature, but would love to ask some follow-up questions to all who submitted:

    1. What is your ideal workflow for creating thumbnail gifs a video?

    2. Are you looking to create this gif to be used elsewhere? Or just for a thumbnail?

    3. What is the business impact of this feature?
