Ideas for Arc XP

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When selecting a featured image for Goldfish video, add an Anglerfish picker option

When choosing the thumbnail for a Goldfish video, you have 4 options:

  • Upload an image from your hard drive
  • Create a thumbnail from the video
  • Upload GIF
  • Create GIF

Please add another option -- find a photo in Anglerfish.  This should use the same Anglerfish pop-up interface that users see in Ellipsis to pick a featured image, embed an image, etc. 

That interface should also include the Upload button like Ellipsis does.  This way, if the user is uploading an image from their hard drive, they can put it into anglerfish AND attach it as the video thumbnail all in the same step.  

  • Jessica Parks
  • Apr 17 2019
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Anais Felt commented
      June 03, 2019 18:05

      Hi Jessica, 

      We are working on the Anglerfish integration that you can expect to see later this year. This work is in-progress. 


