Ideas for Arc XP

Feature static resources should be accessible over http

Use case is related to

I like how PB wants feature static assets (JS/CSS files) to be included in the feature directory ... it's great for developer workflow. However, PB does impose limits on how JavaScript specifically can be authored because of this. Increasingly, JS authors want to be able to create small, testable modules that can be imported by other modules (both as part of a bundle build process or dynamically loaded on demand). Dynamic loading of feature JS won't work though because I can't get at a feature JS file over HTTP.

  • Greg MacGregor
  • Mar 31 2016
  • Will not implement
Categories Developer Tools, Developer Workflow, Feature Configuration, New Functionality
I need it... Not sure—just thought it was cool!
  • Attach files
  • Luke Mason commented
    April 13, 2016 17:52

    These files are available at /gr/f/{outputType}/{featureGroup}/{featureName}/{filePath} for tests or other JS you don't want included in the page just create an output type. Js that is part of a feature is not meant to be shared by other features, features should not have cross-feature dependencies.