Ideas for Arc XP

Allow "if" logic to determine which custom fields appear

Say we have several boolean options for the user:

Do you want to display a rectangle or a circle?

If it's a rectangle, do you want it to be red or blue?

If it's a circle, do you want it to be green or purple?

If it's a red rectangle, do you want it to have a dotted border or a solid border?

If it's a blue rectangle, do you want it to have a gray square in the middle? 

... and so on. Having all of these options on one level could get confusing for a user. 

What if, when the user first opens the PageBuilder editor, they only see two questions: rectangle or circle? 

Then, if the user selects rectangle, the custom fields asking what color rectangle would appear.

If the user selects red, the question about a red rectangle would appear.

This is an extreme example. A simpler one would be if we have a feature that can either be at the head or the foot of a page. The head version has one set of custom fields, and the foot version has another set of custom fields. It makes sense to let the user choose "head" or "foot" first and then only display the custom fields relevant to that choice.

  • Guest
  • Aug 18 2017
  • Future consideration
Categories Editor, New Functionality
I need it... Not sure—just thought it was cool!
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