Ideas for Arc XP

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Ability to dynamically render website name in Custom Fields / Metadata in the PageBuilder admin

User story

As a client running a multisite implementation, I want to be able to use a variable in the PageBuilder admin to render a website's name, so that I can have the website's name visible on features and metadata on templates/pages that are shared among my websites. 


Multisite publishers frequently want to dynamically render a website's name in a feature or metadata in PageBuilder, similarly to how they use the {{content}} syntax to dynamically render something in the page's global content. 



For example, sometimes users want the Page Title to always end in the publication's name. If a multisite publisher is running three websites: The River City News, the Daily Press, and The Globe, they want the <title> field on Globe articles to end in – The Globe, and the title field on Daily Press articles to end in – Daily Press, and the title field on the River City News to end in – River City News

This is currently not possible with shared templates/pages. They can dynamically render other things in the PageTitle, but this is limited to Global Content.


Another use case is the ability to have the website's name render in a feature, via a Custom Field – to render something like Latest from {{}}. Similarly, they can do so with Global Content, but there is not a syntax for accessing the website name. 



There are generally two places that the website name is stored on Arc: 

1) The website name field in Site Service for that website

2) Site Properties (what used to be Runtime Properties). Multisite implementations store the website name as a Site Property so that feature code can render it; however, these can't be accessed from the admin. 


Either could solve this use case, but ability to access Site Properties in general through some syntax would offer more functionality beyond just rendering the website name. (Generally, multisite implementations rely very heavily on Site Properties, so this could be very useful). 


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      Fatih Yildiz commented
      August 03, 2021 20:13

      Hi Sara,

      You can already do it with {{}} in metadata and custom fields.