Ideas for Arc XP

Allow nested, conditional custom configurations

Easiest explained with a use case.

NOTE: Same use case as (Allow local edits to included content) but a different problem.

In the top table of the homepage the newsroom will sometimes want to replace the photo that accompanies a story with another piece of content, say a gallery (which will render as an inline slideshow). Right now, we plan to implement this by providing an alternateArt custom field on the feature where they can enter the URL of the gallery.

The JSPs will then use <pb:fetch-content /> to get the gallery and pass the content into <pb:inc-feature ... /> .

The included feature has a lot of custom fields (that may change through time) that we don't want cluttering the host config. Nor do we want it going out-of-date as the guest feature continues to evolve. So, we'd like the host feature to be able to behave in the following way:

Use a custom field from the host as a trigger to include all the current config options for a guest feature. Our JSPs can then pass those settings along to <pb:inc-feature />. Ideally, this would happen without the need to harvest them explicitly. I can imagine achieving this by adding customFields attribute to the <pb:inc-feature /> tag through which you can pass the options without the host feature knowing anything about them.

  • Guest
  • Apr 22 2015
  • Will not implement
Categories Feature Configuration
I need it... Month
  • Attach files