Ideas for Arc XP

Add a comment to a page version

As a content manager, I want a way to leave a comment on a saved version of page, so that I have a way to understand fast and easy context about why a version exists.

Demonstrate the following:

  • I can add a comment to a version of a page

  • I can modify a comment to a version of a page

  • I can view the comment within Editor

  • Optional - I can add the comment when publishing a page, in addition to after the page is published

  • Michael Schmidt
  • May 5 2021
  • Future consideration
Categories Editor, Page Versions, New Functionality
I need it... Not sure—just thought it was cool!
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kirti Kamtikar commented
    June 08, 2021 19:06

    Thank you for this great idea! We will definitely consider this in the future.