Ideas for Arc XP

pb:inc-feature - enhanced to give access to render.js, instance.js, style.css and resources in config

Easiest explained with a use case.

In the top table of the homepage the newsroom will sometimes want to replace the photo that accompanies a story with another piece of content, say a gallery (which will render as an inline slideshow). Right now, we plan to implement this by providing an alternateArt custom field on the feature where they can enter the URL of the gallery.

The JSPs will then use <pb:fetch-content /> to get the gallery and pass the content into <pb:inc-feature ... /> .

Each feature may have it's own render.js, instance.js, style.css and resources in config . It would be nice to know about these resources somehow so we could load them in some way.

  • Guest
  • Apr 24 2015
  • Future consideration
I need it... Month
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