Ideas for Arc XP

Alert when clicking the button of 'share edits'

  • Doma Bang
  • Nov 18 2021
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow, Page Versions
I need it... Week
  • Attach files
  • Doma Bang commented
    December 06, 2021 00:24

    Hi Katherine,

    Thanks for asking that.

    I mean the latter, I think additional confimation messaging when users are about to click the button of 'share edits'. Sometimes, we have trouble managing the version of pages. So I think we need that.

    Please consider my idea.



  • Admin
    Katherine Grygo commented
    December 01, 2021 14:01


    Could you please provide some more information for this Idea? Is the workflow related to scenarios where multiple users are working on the same page and one user shares their updates which then triggers an alert message to the other users to inform them that there have been updates made to the Shared Draft? Or, is it for additional confirmation messaging when a user would like to share their edits to the Shared Draft?

    Thank you!