Ideas for Arc XP

Layout definitions should respect an optional tagName property

Currently each element in a layout definition "sections" entry is represented as a <section> tag. I propose that the tag that gets used should be up to the HTML author instead.

For instance, sometimes a <div> may make more sense WRT the document outline than a <section> tag. Or consider a page header or footer: I'd like to be able to define those areas in a layout and specify the tagName as "header" or "footer" so that I don't have to code those tags into a feature definition and so that I don't end up with the semantically weird <section><header> ... </header></section>.  

  • Greg MacGregor
  • Jan 4 2016
  • Shipped
Categories Developer Workflow, Layout
I need it... Yesterday (let's go already)
  • Attach files
  • Greg MacGregor commented
    January 04, 2016 20:23

    (<section> would remain the default tag if no tagName property is supplied)