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Provide a Type Definition file for @arc-fusion/prop-types

Since Fusion PropTypes extends the (React) PropTypes package, with `.tag` and other types.

Since the Fusion Engine aliases `import PropTypes from "prop-types";` to actually be `import PropTypes from "fusion:prop-types";`. The problem is that VSCode editor doesn't know that, so it uses the type definition file that's publicly available for the regular `prop-types` library, via the DefinitelyTyped repo.

WAPO could either include a similar file directly in the `@arc-fusion/prop-types` module (which is public), or add the type definition file to be available to the public via the repo:

This would prevent TSLint errors from appearing in VSCode editor when working with a PB Fusion repo.

Custom fields:

Also mentioned in:

Below is my attempt at creating one ...

Which is mostly an extended version of:

The TGAM PB Fusion repo used a jsconfig.json file, which references the below file.

// Type definitions for prop-types 15.7
// Project:,
// Definitions by: DovydasNavickas <>
// Ferdy Budhidharma <>
// Sebastian Silbermann <>
// Definitions:
// TypeScript Version: 2.8

// Wrap all exports in this declaration, to target: import PropTypes from "fusion:prop-types";
declare module "fusion:prop-types" {

export type ReactComponentLike =
| string
| ((props: any, context?: any) => any)
| (new (props: any, context?: any) => any);

export interface ReactElementLike {
type: ReactComponentLike;
props: any;
key: string | number | null;

export interface ReactNodeArray extends Array<ReactNodeLike> {}

export type ReactNodeLike =
| {}
| ReactElementLike
| ReactNodeArray
| string
| number
| boolean
| null
| undefined;

export const nominalTypeHack: unique symbol;

export type IsOptional<T> = undefined extends T ? true : false;

export type RequiredKeys<V> = { [K in keyof V]-?: Exclude<V[K], undefined> extends Validator<infer T> ? IsOptional<T> extends true ? never : K : never }[keyof V];
export type OptionalKeys<V> = Exclude<keyof V, RequiredKeys<V>>;
export type InferPropsInner<V> = { [K in keyof V]-?: InferType<V[K]>; };

export interface Validator<T> {
(props: { [key: string]: any }, propName: string, componentName: string, location: string, propFullName: string): Error | null;
[nominalTypeHack]?: {
type: T;

export interface Requireable<T> extends Validator<T | undefined | null> {
isRequired: Validator<NonNullable<T>>;

export type ValidationMap<T> = { [K in keyof T]?: Validator<T[K]> };

export type InferType<V> = V extends Validator<infer T> ? T : any;
export type InferProps<V> =
& InferPropsInner<Pick<V, RequiredKeys<V>>>
& Partial<InferPropsInner<Pick<V, OptionalKeys<V>>>>;

export const any: Requireable<any>;
export const array: Requireable<any[]>;
export const bool: Taggable<boolean>; // Taggable
export const func: Requireable<(...args: any[]) => any>;
export const number: Taggable<number>; // Taggable
export const object: Requireable<object>;
export const string: Taggable<string>; // Taggable
export const node: Requireable<ReactNodeLike>;
export const element: Requireable<ReactElementLike>;
export const symbol: Requireable<symbol>;
export const elementType: Requireable<ReactComponentLike>;
export function instanceOf<T>(expectedClass: new (...args: any[]) => T): Requireable<T>;
export function oneOf<T>(types: ReadonlyArray<T>): Taggable<T>; // Taggable
export function oneOfType<T extends Validator<any>>(types: T[]): Requireable<NonNullable<InferType<T>>>;
export function arrayOf<T>(type: Validator<T>): Requireable<T[]>;
export function objectOf<T>(type: Validator<T>): Requireable<{ [K in keyof any]: T; }>;
export function shape<P extends ValidationMap<any>>(type: P): Requireable<InferProps<P>>;
export function exact<P extends ValidationMap<any>>(type: P): Requireable<Required<InferProps<P>>>;

* Assert that the values match with the type specs.
* Error messages are memorized and will only be shown once.
* @param typeSpecs Map of name to a ReactPropType
* @param values Runtime values that need to be type-checked
* @param location e.g. "prop", "context", "child context"
* @param componentName Name of the component for error messages
* @param getStack Returns the component stack
export function checkPropTypes(typeSpecs: any, values: any, location: string, componentName: string, getStack?: () => any): void;

* Only available if NODE_ENV=production
export function resetWarningCache(): void;

// Above are regular slightly modified `PropTypes`, see the "Taggable" code comments.
// -

// @arc-fusion/prop-types
// Below are extended Arc Fusion PropTypes. See these references:
// -
export interface Tag {
defaultValue?: any; // The default value this custom field should take.
description?: string; // A text description about the purpose of this custom field for users to better understand it.
group?: string; // The name of a group of common custom fields. PageBuilder will aggregate custom fields with the same group name into a common UI interface element.
formPlugin?: string; // The name of a plugin used by this custom field. See the Plugin API for more info.
format?: string; // An ISO 8601 compliant date format string, for datepicker custom fields.
hidden?: boolean; // Whether to show or hide the custom field.
label?: string | StringDictionary; // An object mapping an i18n locale short code to a translated string. Optionally, a String can be provided to always use the same human-readable label regardless of locale.
labels?: StringDictionary; // An object mapping a value listed in the array of a oneOf custom field to a more human-readable string
max?: number; // Maximum number allowed for a number type custom field.
min?: number; // Minimum number allowed for a number type custom field.
name?: string; // Name of the feature itself, for display.
step?: number; // Interval to increase or decrease by for every change to a number type custom field.

// Simple string dictionary, no numbers allowed.
interface StringDictionary {
[index: string]: string;

// This allows a prop-type to allow ".tag" or ".isRequired"
// e.g. `count: PropTypes.number.tag({ ... }).isRequired`
export interface Taggable<T> extends Requireable<T> {
tag(type: Tag);

// See this file for commented items.
// - /node_modules/@arc-fusion/prop-types/custom-types/index.js

// For - boolean: taggable(PropTypes.bool, 'boolean'),
export const boolean: Taggable<boolean>; // alias: bool

// For - contentConfig: require('./content-config'),
export function contentConfig<T>(type: string): Taggable<T>;

// For - date: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'date'),
export const date: Taggable<string>;

// For - dateTime: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'dateTime'),
export const dateTime: Taggable<string>;

// For - disabled: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'disabled'),
export const disabled: string; // not Taggable or Requireable

// For - email: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'email'),
export const email: Taggable<string>;

// For - json: require('./json'), // taggable(PropTypes.string, 'json'),
export const json: Taggable<string>;

// For - kvp: taggable(PropTypes.object, 'kvp'),
export const kvp: Taggable<object>;

// For - label: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'label'),
export const label: Taggable<string>;

// For - list: taggable(PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string), 'list'),
export const list: Taggable<string[]>;

// For - richtext: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'richtext'),
export const richtext: Taggable<string>;

// For - select: taggable(PropTypes.oneOf, 'select'),
export function select<T>(types: ReadonlyArray<T>): Taggable<T>; // alias: oneOf

// For - text: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'text'),
export const text: Taggable<string>;

// For - url: taggable(PropTypes.string, 'url')
export const url: Taggable<string>;

  • JP Blanchette
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Ivan Pacheco commented
      January 18, 2022 06:11

      I also think should be useful to have typescript typings for fusion code