Ideas for Arc XP

Add the CircularDependencyPlugin to Webpack configuration

It's very useful to be able to know when module A depends on B, and B depends on A. Adding this plugin would provide developers insight into circular dependencies.

  • Greg MacGregor
  • Oct 31 2019
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Fatih Yildiz commented
    February 27, 2024 18:16

    Hi Greg, JP,

    Circular dependencies and issues they cause, recently came up as more of a blocking behavior when upgrading from node14 runtime to node16 which is now making the build process to exhaust all available memory, which wasn't the scenario in the past.

    We have discussed the circular dependencies, where it should be checked and who should do it, while we were addressing these issues as part of Engine 3x -> 4x upgrade process. We have suggested clients to use a simple CLI tool from npm called madge to scan and detect circular dependencies, independent from the build system.

    Example command:
    npx madge --circular <folder-to-scan>

    Another reason the team is resistant to not introduce more webpack plugins, or open webpack configuration for extensibility (even though we understand this is a need) is that; we're actively exploring other build systems to improve our build times. That's why we will defer this need/idea and suggest our clients utilizing existing circular dependency detection mechanism like madge.

  • JP Blanchette commented
    February 08, 2021 15:48

    We made use of

    To ESLint our file import statements, for various possible issues.

    Along with

    To support some path aliases and ignoring "fusion:*" module imports.

    Here is some of our .eslintrc.json file, with related settings:


    "extends": [




    "settings": {

    "import/resolver": {

    "alias": {

    "map": [

    ["~/components", "./components"],

    ["~/content", "./content"],

    ["~/resources", "./resources"]


    "extensions": [".js", ".jsx", ".json", ".scss", ".css"]




    "rules": {

    "import/no-unresolved": [2, { "ignore": ["fusion:*"] }],

    "import/no-self-import": 2,

    "import/no-cycle": 2



  • Guest commented
    December 12, 2019 21:58

    This could be fixed by allowing the Webpack setup to be configurable

  • Tania Lee commented
    November 11, 2019 21:13

    We'll need to evaluate the performance impact of adding this webpack plugin.