Ideas for Arc XP

Provide way to compare any two revisions of a story side by side

Currently, the Ellipsis review Version function compares a past version with current version.   What would be far more useful would  be the ability to select any two revisions and compare them side by side.   This is often needed to find  where a given change was actually made.

  • Ian Krantz
  • Feb 13 2019
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow
  • Feb 20, 2019

    Admin response

    Thanks for your submission. We will consider this in our upcoming refresh of the revision history page to make it more useful.

  • Attach files
  • Lynda Finley commented
    21 Sep, 2022 10:48am

    Any update on when this refresh will occur? It's been 3 years. We have had cases where it is impossible to see what actually changed in a revision to provide information on legal challenges or employee discipline. And creating revisions where no changes occurred muddies the water even further with true revisions being lost due to the limit of 100 revisions being shown (SB-I-144)