Ideas for Arc XP

Featured Media Video Lead Art - Edit in Goldfish button

We need an edit button in Lead Art Video to allow adjustment in Goldfish of video assigned as lead art. Particularly for multi-site, we find video clips needs to be provisioned to the websites to allow display and getting there quickly from an edit button in the Featured Media tab would be beneficial. When using image in lead art or basic, there is an edit button for Anglerfish.

  • Clay McNeill
  • Mar 21 2019
  • Shipped
Categories User Workflow, New Functionality
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Caytlyn Trickey commented
    September 20, 2024 14:22

    We shipped this with the original release of Composer 2.0 in early 2024!

  • Troy Blevins commented
    April 08, 2020 15:56

    Hi there,

    I would like to follow up on this Arc Idea, as I was going to file something similar. Is there an update on when there may be an "Edit" button for videos attached as Featured Media? This would help users in quickly accessing that video directly in Video Center, similar to how they currently can with attached photos. This would help tremendously with integrating the products (Composer, Photo Center and Video Center) together as one.

    To follow up on Lawrence's questions, a good use case of the Edit button, at least for videos, is perhaps you want to change the image associated with the video, the sections/tags on that video once it's attached to an article or even update its metadata (headline, blurb, etc.).

    Currently, you need to go into Video Center in a new tab/window (or from the modal when selecting a video), search for the video, open it, make changes, publish and then return to your article.

    If published, changes to the video should be represented in the Composer Featured Media tab. If the article needs to be published again to represent these changes to the published article, then perhaps a green message at the bottom (toast message?) should mention this.

    I hope this helps, and thanks!

  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    January 10, 2020 14:16

    Hi Clay - thank you for your feedback. I want to confirm a few things with you:

    1. Are you saying that sometimes a user will need to add a website to the website list in Video Center (in order for it to appear in said story as featured media)?

    2. How often do users use the current edit button for images in featured media? And what do they go back to edit?
