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Default Template - Ellipsis Create New Story

When creating a new story in Ellipsis, especially within a multi-site environment, it would be a workflow enhancement to have each site open its own default Ellipsis template. We utilize individual specific templates for each website to include some of the bare bones for an article such as dateline and copyright. Rather than a user having to select their site template from a long list of templates, most articles are going to use a default for that site. The workflow from create a new story would open that default template directly. We believe this could be tied to Squads in permissions to determine which template to use as default. There would need to some way for a user to choose another template should it be needed, but 95% of the time the default template would be use.

  • Clay McNeill
  • Jul 10 2019
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    • Jenny Czaja commented
      September 16, 2022 21:59

      We've introduced the concept of a default template, as well as user favorite templates, in the 1.58 release that shipped to Production this Wednesday, September 14. Thank you!

    • Admin
      Lawrence Tsai commented
      January 10, 2020 21:41

      Hi Clay - just to confirm is the problem you are facing that you have to find a template from a long list of templates, or the action of a user having to select a template. Thanks!