Ideas for Arc XP

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A "reminder" status for fields and elements

Currently, meta fields and elements (such as featured image) can either be set as mandatory or non-mandatory. An intermediate stage would be helpful -- call it a warning or a reminder.


For example, instead of making "featured image" mandatory, I could set it to "warning." Then, if an editor tried to publish a story without a featured image, a little box would pop up alerting them to the fact the story does not have a featured image -- and giving them the option to proceed with publication or to cancel.


The story behind it is, we want all our stories to have featured images, almost to the point of making it mandatory. However, not all stories can realistically have featured images, in particular breaking news, so we don't dare actually set it as mandatory. A intermediate "warning" stage, for featured images and meta fields, would be a helpful reminder to editors.




  • Ken Carriere
  • Sep 30 2019
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow, New Functionality
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    • bill murray commented
      September 30, 2019 09:47

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