Ideas for Arc XP

Automatically Select Uploaded Image For Featured Photo of Composer Article

When adding an image to Arc Composer, I would like for an uploaded image to automatically be selected or attached to the article if it's the featured photo, eliminating the step of having to click the plus sign on the photo once it's uploaded into the library afterward.

Here is the workflow I'm envisioning:

  1. User opens article and heads to the Featured Media tab.
  2. User chooses the Media Type and Media Key (ie. Image and "basic") and clicks "Add Media."
  3. User clicks "upload images," selects the image file and begins the upload process.
  4. After inputting information (such as title, caption and photo credit information), user clicks Save and Return.
  5. Once user clicks that button to save and return, automatically have the photo be chosen or selected as the featured image.
  6. Optionally, the modal window could automatically close and return to the Featured Media tab. Or this Photo Center window can remain open to confirm the chosen image is the one to use.

Essentially, this would remove that extra step when trying to quickly add a new photo to an article. I can understand how this could complicate things if you want to upload multiple images and use only one of them, or if you're uploading the photos for a gallery to be used on the article. This is purely if you upload just one image and it's the featured photo of the article. It may be useful, too, if uploading a single photo that is being embedded into the article.

Another possibility is if you do upload multiple photos, perhaps it shows you all the images you uploaded during that session and you click on which one you'd like to be the featured photo. The other photos would also be uploaded into the Photo Center library, regardless of not being chosen as the main photo.

Please merge or close this idea if it's already been suggested, along with if this should have been in the Photo Center workspace.


  • Troy Blevins
  • Jan 28 2020
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow
  • Attach files