Ideas for Arc XP

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As a journalist, I would like to be able to see the planned character limit as well as a counter comparing planned with actual characters in the story I'm writing

Arc is a digital-focused product. Yet, media still make a significant part of money out of print publications and Arc needs to be integrated with a print CMS. We consider that the best way to minimize the adjustment work for the desk print is to indicate to journalists working in Arc Publishing how long their story should be to fit in print forms. There could be a margin decided by the desk print to allow room for maneuver for the journalist within which the story length is considered as ok (e.g.: +/- 150 characters).

Use-case: As a team lead, I should be able to indicate the planned number of characters for a story I order (based on a story template) or what I need in Composer Planning tab.

As a journalist when I compose my story in Composer, I should see whether I respect this planned number of characters. In the same way as it is done for lines, I see when I'm exceeding this limit. Ideally I should also see how many characters are missing to respect the order.

As a journalist or a team lead, I should see in WebSked, story tab, the number of characters and via a color code understand whether length is ok or not (e.g.: blue when too short, green when ok, red when too long).

As the person in charge of print production, I can see in Websked publication tab, the number of actual characters and same color code to indicate whether story is at right length.

  • Guillaume Lefebvre
  • Mar 19 2020
  • Shipped
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