Ideas for Arc XP

As an admin, it should be possible to configure a kicker in another format than a string - for instance a boolean

Currently, an admin can only create kickers with string values.

It could be more use-friendly, if an admin could give to a kicker a boolean value for instance. In that case, true would be translated in the language of the browser (Vrai in French) as well as false (Faux in French).

  • Guillaume Lefebvre
  • Mar 30 2020
  • Needs more information
Categories Layout
  • Attach files
  • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
    November 09, 2020 11:31

    Hi Lawrence,

    After reflection this idea is not relevant and I've posted it too quick. You can discard the request.

  • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
    May 04, 2020 17:22

    Hi Lawrence,

    the more i'm thinking about this requirement, the less I think it is really important. My point was just to facilitate configuration of such kicker that is a boolean and avoid having to define 2 choices (Yes or No, or True or False, or 0 or 1) and just click on a flag 'Boolean' that would define by default 2 values Yes or No (localized to my language) for such a kicker.

    As said, it is a nice to have and definitely not the most important feature we need :)

  • Admin
    Lawrence Tsai commented
    April 14, 2020 19:14

    Hi Guillaume, thank you for your idea submission!

    Can you please elaborate what problem you are hoping to solve in your workflow with the feature request?
