Context: As an admin, I defined several platforms for each of my websites. As they are quite numerous, I decided to sort them in a hierarchy of platforms in 3 levels:
Level 0: website
Level 1: platform type (e.g.: push notifications, newsletter, etc.)
Level 2: targeted segment
Example: For push notifications to Sports segment on website dhnet, the platform path is /dhnet/push/sports.
When I create such platforms, WebSked automatically (and I mean by that on his own) creates a platform that stops at level 1 (/dhnet/push for instance). Such platforms have no use for me as they do not correspond to any use-case.
Yet, I can't remove it from WebSked (otherwise, all other platforms of the hierarchy would be deleted simultaneously) and they are visible in Composer and visible for platform pitch.
As I don't need those platforms that WebSked automatically creates, I would like to be able to hide them in Composer to avoid that users pitch on those platforms for which there is no business logic and no subsequent action. It is confusing and misleading to have unnecessary information on a screen.
There are no plans to offer the ability to hide certain platforms. Hierarchical platforms will eventually be phased out as users found them to be too confusing.