Editors use the notes mode function to edit stories and write notes to reporters. You can copy a paragraph or more of text including notes mode text and paste it elsewhere in the same story and the text retains all of the formatting. However, if you paste it into a new story all the text is pasted in with no notes mode indicated at all. The same is true for other text features such as bold, italic, hyperlink, etc. Deleting the notes mode text would at least be an action we could understand but bringing over all text with no notes mode or other formatting is not helpful.
Categories | User Workflow |
I want to add that frequently the text is being copied from several files into one file for publication so in that case cloning a file is not really a solution.
we have several editors who do compilation type stories - letters to the editors, news in brief, talking points, political notes, etc. They start out as one file so it's easier to edit. Then, mostly for print space and layout reasons, the file needs to be split into 2 files - copying the edited text from one file to another becomes unwieldly and increases the potential for error since the noted text is copied into the 2nd file as roman text instead of noted text. Cloning the file could help but there is still the same problem if you need to copy some text including the noted text from the original to the clone.
Hi Lynda!
Thank you for your idea. I'm hoping to understand the workflow more. Why are editors copying/pasting text from one story to another story? Also, are they pasting a large percentage of text/notes from one story to another?
I'm also wondering if cloning a story is a way to address this workflow. Especially if editors are copying and pasting a large amount of content from one story to another.