Ideas for Arc XP

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Ability to visually if Composer article has featured media defined, and what type(s) in the results list

As a producer creating and curating content, I would like to see a visual indicator in the Composer results list of articles that shows if an article has featured media defined and, if so, what types of featured media is defined (i.e. image, video, and/or gallery).

A clear icon and could be enough of an indicator.

Our use case is that it would help identify which articles I may need to edit to add a featured video as our business strives for having a video on every article.

There is an indicator in WebSked, but it doesn't seem to display the featured media and instead is only reporting on inline images, videos or galleries added on the Compose tab of the article.

It may be ideal is this is a configuration that each organization could choose to display or not display.

It would also be helpful if we could filter Composer results on items with/without specific featured media types.

The information on the inline images, videos and galleries in the Composer view could also be helpful and would be desired.

  • Sara Skinner Cole
  • Sep 29 2020
  • Future consideration
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    • Sara Skinner Cole commented
      September 29, 2020 17:48

      Another example of WebSked indicator for inline media.

    • Sara Skinner Cole commented
      September 29, 2020 17:46

      Attached view of Composer results without any featured media or inline media indicators.

      Attached view of WebSked that only displays inline media indicators, not Featured Media.