Ideas for Arc XP

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Support superscript format in article text

As a writer who includes footnotes and references at the bottom of my story, I need to add unobtrusive links in my story so that I can point to my footnotes without interrupting the reader experience.

It is already possible to add an HTML code block with an anchor tag at the bottom of the story, and then insert a hyperlink to it elsewhere in the story. This alows readers to jump to the bottom of the story if they wish to see the citation. But it is not possible to apply superscript formatting to make the link to the footnote unobtrusive. The insert special character menu includes a superscript 1, 2 or 3 but you cannot go any higher than that, and you cannot superscript arbitrary text.

This may require an addition to the Composer text formatting toolbar and an additional supported tag in the ANS content_element.

  • Alasdair McKie
  • Oct 8 2020
  • Future consideration
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    • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
      January 25, 2023 15:53

      One more addition : possibility to add non-breakable spaces !

    • Guillaume Lefebvre commented
      January 25, 2023 15:30

      This is certainly something we need as it causes some cumbersome rework for our newsroom for stories written in Composer and sent to the print CMS.

      I would like also to broaden a bit the request : as a matter of fact, issue impacts other text formatting.

      From our standpoint (french speaking newsroom), Composer should enable authors to use : subscript (e.g.: for CO2), superscript (e.g.: for sport reports, when timing an event like 47e minute), œ, æ and other international special characters in case they are present in geographical location names or people names (like ñ and others).

    • Jenny Czaja commented
      March 24, 2022 15:09

      Hello, just wanted to check in here. This is something we'll be looking into this year, but I did want to note that we have certainly heard this feedback from our clients! This is a slightly larger effort than it seems at first blush, because this kind of HTML often isn't supported by some systems, i.e. you could put the character in Composer and your website would look fine, but RSS feeds would break, for example. We're looking into ways to solve for this.