Ideas for Arc XP

Implement more training and tips directly in the CMS

This "idea" is gonna be a bit nebulous, but mostly I wanted to make sure you all saw this:

There are some really interesting tidbits in there that I think the Arc team(s) could take away and use to improve usability. As the person who handles the vast majority of our newsroom's training (and gives updates on new features), the headers "It’s hard for busy journalists to keep track of every new feature" and "Training isn’t one and done — tools and best practices evolve" are very true.

Specifically, I love the idea of tips and guidelines showing up in a box or in the right rail, and I love the idea of having a link directly to a Slack help channel. (We have a dedicated channel in our newsroom, #arc-help, but sometimes people forget about it and come straight to me.)

  • Britton Peele
  • May 20 2021
  • Future consideration
Categories User Workflow, New Functionality, Other
  • Attach files
  • Jenny Czaja commented
    June 02, 2021 22:06

    Thank you for sharing this Britton! My apologies for the delayed reply, I've recently transitioned on as the new PM for Composer. We're continuing to explore opportunities for in-app training, stay tuned.