Ideas for Arc XP

Expand Site Sections List By Default In Manage Circulations Modal

Hi there,

With the newer Manage Circulations modal, it appears that additional clicks are needed to add a CMS section to the Circulate tab. Can the site sections list be expanded by default after adding it?

Currently, you have to do this to add one CMS section:

  1. Go to Circulate tab.

  2. Click on Manage Circulations to open that modal.

  3. Type to add the website (or open the dropdown menu) and click it.

  4. Search for the CMS section (if you know what it is), or click the + symbol.

  5. If you clicked the + symbol, scroll down to find the CMS section and add it.

  6. Review and click "Save Circulations," which closes the modal.

  7. Move away from the Circulate tab if needed.

Having the list expanded by default gives more visibility to the user of what sections are available for their site(s). Is there a reason to not have this expanded by default?


  • Troy Blevins
  • Mar 9 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Carlos Manuel Santafe commented
    9 Mar, 2023 10:25pm
    Hello, it would be good if the presentation changes do not affect the user experience since it denotes more complex and more clicks within the process.