Ideas for Arc XP

Redirects created when a URL is regenerated in Composer should 301 not 302

When regenerating URLs from within Composer, a 302 redirect is created from the old URL to the new. 302 is "moved temporarily" which is the incorrect message to send to search engines. 301 "moved permanently" is needed for search robots to pass ranking value properly. Our SEO director says 302 redirects are usually not helpful to maintain SEO value.

This issue was raised in 2021 and was closed prematurely. Yes we can 301 redirect in RedirectUI and Fusion but as long as URL regeneration (and redirect) within Composer, those need to redirect with a 301.

  • Brian McAlister
  • Jul 12 2023
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Fatih Yildiz commented
    28 Feb 13:41

    Hi Brian, thanks for submitting this suggestion.

    Even thought this suggestion makes sense, it’s already a capability in the platform that clients can customize the redirect behavior on the experience layer. This means implementing a custom content source.

    The source of the redirect type where it's issued is the content platform which is used by both OOTB Arc XP experience layer (i.e: PageBuilder), as well as used in non-web mediums (like feeds, mobile apps, headless implementations). Both clients and other internal systems already handle these redirects and rely on their current parameters (i.e: redirect type being 302). Changing this default behavior have highly-breaking impact and creates a large migration work for our clients.

    After deliberate team discussion, we will not consider this suggestion.