We need to create a new custom embed/power-up which needs to be tailored to the ‘website’ that the given story is being created in.
We would like the ability to automatically pass the website (or canonical_website) value to a power-up when it is being added as a related item. This will allow the power-up to tailor to the 'website' value.
No, the ask is that when I try and add a related item (e.g. click on the button to 'Add <name of power-up>'), when the 'Edit iFrame URL' is opened in the overlay window, the URL also passes the current canonical website so it can be queried in the power-up.
Obviously this value would be optional if the power-up uses it, but allows more flexibility with the adding of a power up to a story.
Hi there! Is the ask here to allow power ups to be associated to a specific website? Would you expect that to be selected when added to the related items section? Or how would you expect this to function?