Ideas for Arc XP

Expose Notes in the ANS

Our Editorial Teams uses the Notes function in Composer. Often those notes contain informtion about how to edit for print. we would like to be able to send those notes to our Content Management System for ptint

  • Guest
  • Oct 21 2024
  • Needs more information
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    22 Oct 13:27

    The notes you can write when you adding text to an article, you hightlight the text and notes option comes up. Screen shot attached. Thank you!

  • Admin
    Caytlyn Trickey commented
    21 Oct 21:57

    Hi there! Could you clarify which notes you're referring to? We've got several different features that are sometimes internally referred to as notes. I just want to be sure we understand which functionality you're referring to specifically! Screenshots would be helpful. Thank you!