Ideas for Arc XP

Gallery ability to use custom ads

Galleries currently only support interstitial ads with Themes Ads Block.

Some clients are forking the Ads Block (For example IT) and then can choose between no interstitial ads OR having 2 ads blocks.

No ads is usually not an option, and having 2 ads-blocks results in multiple issues:

  • PB Editor showing both and Editors could pick the wrong one, resulting in ads-issues

  • Duplicate ads code in the Bundle

  • potentially different Ads versions (double payload) being loaded

  • Kristina Matheisen
  • Dec 8 2021
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jenae Cerovac commented
    December 21, 2021 20:45

    Thank you for the idea, Tina. I understand the need to run custom ads within the gallery and the current forking implications. I will add this to our backlog.