We have a use case for the results list block on our listing pages where we use 3 of them to render a list of articles. We use 3, because we insert Ad blocks between them. So it's goes something like this:
List of 4 stories (size 4, offset 0)
List of 4 stories (size 4, offset 4)
List of 4 stories (size 4, offset 8) with enabled Load More button
The problem with this approach is that even though we use the exact same content source for all 3 lists, the cache keys generated are different, so we get on occasion duplicated stories (i.e. last story in list 1 is the same as the first story in list 2).
After talking to support, we came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea, if we could set the same settings for all 3 lists (size 12, offset 0), but then have a new setting that would allow us to render just a subsection of this list. For example in list 2, we'd have size 12 and offset 0, but also render size 4 and render offset 4.
This way the cache key would be the same on one hand and the render size and offset would be don't by React not the content source.
Thank you and BR,
Hi Jenae, do you have an idea of when this would be pipelined?
Thank you for a quick reply Jenae Cerovac. By the looks of those release notes, that's exactly what we'd need for this to work properly for us. Would appreciate fast tracking this :)
Hi Goran, thank you for the idea. We implemented this functionality to the Card List a few releases ago (https://corecomponents.arcpublishing.com/alc/arc-products/themes/releasenotes/themes-117-release-notes/), and we will look at expanding it to other list types, like Results List, Numbered List and Simple List.