Ideas for Arc XP

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Saved Search: Add relative dates in the past

The ability to save a search in Websked is great, but too limiting. One big ask from our copy desk is for the ability to save a search that looks backwards further than just "yesterday." However, when using the "Relative Date" dropdown when creating a saved search, the only options look into the future, not the past.


What we would like is the ability to have a save search that begins, say, "2 weeks ago," for stories that were ready and perhaps even went online more than 24 hours ago but have not yet been through the copy editing process. (For example, they might be scheduled for an upcoming print issue despite having gone online last week.)

  • Britton Peele
  • Oct 21 2019
  • Future consideration
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    • JoAnn Debo commented
      November 01, 2019 14:43

      Hi Britton!

      If I understand your use case correctly, I believe this functionality already exists within the WebSked interface.

      First, from within the filtering options in Stories, you would select the section/author/Workflow Status/etc. that you want to search for. Then, when you click to create your Saved Search, you will be given the option to set a Start Date or End Date. You can click "Set relative date" beneath either of these fields, which then gives you the option to set a concrete date in the past (or future) or select a number of hours, days, or weeks in the past.

      To search for dates in the past - and using your example of two weeks in the past - you would click the down arrow in the dropdown menu to get to "-2" and then select "weeks". This will give you the Saved Search results you're looking for.

      I hope this helps - please let me know if this doesn't address your concern!