When trying to configure a new custom notification, I can choose that this notification is only applicable for the tasks that have been created by a specific person (using condition 'Task Creator'). Currently this condition is a free text whilst it should only refer to the list of existing users in Arc.
Otherwise the risk is very high that the trigger of the notification is never met because the creator of the notification trigger made a spelling mistake.
Hi Ryan,
I checked this morning and I could see that if I add a first letter then, a list of propositions is displayed.
What led to my mistake is that there is no drop down displayed when nothing has already been typed by the user (like it is the case for field 'Author list' just below).
User experience should be identical throughout the platform for drop down lists (based on 'Author list' which is the most convenient from what I see).
Hello Guillaume
The task creator field is an exact match typeahead. If you're not seeing the same thing, please file an ACS ticket and a support engineer will take a look.