Ideas for Arc XP

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In a collection, in the article list, show icons of features added to the article

As we will use Collections to manage the articles on the homepage, we need to see icons of features added to the articles, like you see them in a list of articles in WebSked (see attached).

  • Phil Dautrebande
  • Apr 28 2020
  • Future consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      May 18, 2023 13:56

      Hi All,

      Thank you for your patience -- I know this is a long time coming.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I hope to make many improvements to Collections in the coming year so I will include this idea as well as we collect our research.

      As always please reach out to your TAM if you have any further questions or recommendations on this.


    • Jakob Ihfongård commented
      December 08, 2020 17:04

      We in the Dagen news room would like this as well.