Ideas for Arc XP

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When creating new Task, clear Search text when radio button selection is made.

Use Case:
When creating a new task, a task template name appears both as:
1. The text in the Search text box.
2. A selected radio button selection.
(Shown in initial-State.png)

If another task template is selected with the radio button selection, task-specific fields will update. However the initial task name persists in the Search box. The task selected will be the one chosen with the radio button, but the text persisting in the Search textbox may cause confusion. The user may wonder if the newly-selected task will be the one used once saved.

Possible Ideas for a Solution:
The Search textbox can become blank when a radio button selection is made. The "Task Template Name" placeholder text could also be displayed to remind the user that the search box is helper utility instead of a selection indication.

  • Eric Carlisle
  • May 28 2021
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    • Admin
      Stuart Ridgway commented
      November 13, 2023 15:26

      Hi Eric,

      With the new Task pages you should see this issue addressed when you create a task in WebSked. We are updating Composer to reflect the same UX as WebSked in the next few months.

      Hope that helps!
      - Stuart