Ideas for Arc XP

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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WS-I-213 please give us a way to sort reverse-chron in the stories list that will "stick".

Change the defaults on the WebSked - Stories search Merged

Every time I need to search for an article in WebSked - Stories I must 'reset search', change the direction to 'reverse chronological' and possibly move the search back farther than 'today'.

Can you change the defaults so that I don't need to 'reset search', make it always 'reverse chronological' and allow searches to be always 'past 7 days'.

  • Eric Martyn
  • Jun 4 2021
  • Planned
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    October 17, 2022 14:37

    Hi all,

    We actually have another Idea on this in the portal: I'm going to consolidate the discussion on that idea so we have it in one place.


  • Eric Martyn commented
    June 28, 2021 12:49


    Thanks for the tip. It does work , but only when first opening up WebSked Stories. If I click to Collections, then back to Stories the dreaded 'chronological' search comes back. ARC doesn't seem to want to default to 'reverse chronological' even with my preferences set.


  • JoAnn Debo commented
    June 25, 2021 16:58

    Hello Eric, and thank you for posting your Idea!

    You are currently able to accomplish what you're requesting in the WebSked user interface. I would recommend a two-step process.

    1. Create a Saved Search with "reverse chronological" set as the direction and a relative date of "-7 days" in the relative date field of the Saved Search. You can name this "Default."

    2. Click on your profile name in the top right corner of WebSked and select "WebSked User Profile." Choose the "Preferences" tab and from here you can select your preferred default Saved Search and save it.

    This should provide you with the functionality you're looking for. Thanks again!