Ideas for Arc XP

In WebSked Planning, Have Search Filter Items Collapsed by Default, Implement In Saved Searches

Hi there,

With the newer Planning calendar feature available in WebSked, we're looking to see if some search filter items in the left column can be collapsed by default, rather than all being expanded each time you visit one of these pages.

Another option is to implement an ability to save your collapsed/expanded settings in a saved search.

I'm someone who believes "Less is more," and I think we're presented with way too many search filter options at first. It's great we have all these search options! However, having the ability to decide, and perhaps even sort, which ones are most important to our group would be beneficial, especially for newer users to Arc.


  • Troy Blevins
  • Jun 16 2023
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Stuart Ridgway commented
    June 27, 2023 14:15

    Great idea, Troy.

    I have an update for the team to review where WebSked will save whether a filter is collapsed or not for each user. I'd like to try this approach first since it's something we can do fairly easily. From there I can assess the best path forward based on your additional recommendations and any others that customers recommend on this thread.

    Thanks again,
    Stuart Ridgway
    Sr. Product Manager for WebSked