Surface lead art in collections (thumbnail) when there is no basic image
It would be helpful if when there is no "basic" featured media, but there is "lead art" in featured media, that that thumbnail shows in the collections view
Thanks for submitting this idea, Katie. I'm looking to make several major improvements to Collections later this year. I will include this recommendations with our list of considerations.
As always, please continue to submit your great ideas to this Ideas Portal. Or reach out to your TAM if you would like to send me a question directly.
Thanks! Stuart Ridgway Sr. Product Manager for WebSked
Thanks for submitting this idea, Katie. I'm looking to make several major improvements to Collections later this year. I will include this recommendations with our list of considerations.
As always, please continue to submit your great ideas to this Ideas Portal. Or reach out to your TAM if you would like to send me a question directly.
Stuart Ridgway
Sr. Product Manager for WebSked