Ideas for Arc XP

Prevent queuing up of builds on CircleCI

Oftentimes, our builds on CircleCI will be marked as "Not Running", waiting on other jobs to finish (see screenshot). This will often hit us during inopportune times like this morning, when we're scrambling to finish features and releases.


My guess is that we're waiting on other clients' builds, and as Arc grows, this is going to happen more and more.


Please add more nodes to CircleCI to reduce the queuing time.

  • Todd Dukart
  • Feb 11 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Gregory Engel commented
    18 Feb, 2020 08:58pm

    Hi Todd,

    CircleCI is not a product that is part of the Arc platform. Arc Professional Services uses CircleCI for automatic builds and then provides you with access to it as part of the initial development process. If you wish to continue using it, I would suggest you set up your own CircleCI environment (or other build tool.) The Arc platform extends as far as the Deployer tool in PageBuilder.

  • Todd Dukart commented
    11 Feb, 2020 04:37pm

    This morning, it was adding around 6 minutes per task, and since sandbox deploys require two tasks, it was adding about 12 minutes to our workflow.