Ideas for Arc XP

Surface Link For Specific Transcoded Rendition of a Video in Video Center

There is a reoccurring need for select members of each of our web properties to select a stream rendition from a transcoded stream within a Video Center video. As shown in the screenshot, it is easy to play each stream inside of Video Center, but the only way to surface the actual streams of each rendition is through an API call.

The occurrence of the task has happened frequently enough that we have made a tool on our end to surface this needed stream as it's not possible inside of the Video Edit page.

While the external tool works, it requires our users to login to two different platforms as well a developer to maintain such a tool for a video producer to accomplish a task that we expect would be quite simple inside of the existing editor.

  • Sebe Dale
  • Aug 22 2024
  • Needs review
  • Attach files