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Video Center Search filters from Composer should include full filter options, especially Website/Section

When adding a Video to an article in Composer a Video Center modal pops up that doesn't include proper filtering options, especially for multi-site users. There is a header for Section, but websites and Sections aren't displayed under it. 



  1. Create a story in Composer
  2. Add a video with in the story via the inline content element selector
  3. OR Add a video within the story via the Content Selector in the right rail
  4. The Video Center modal displays
  5. Notice that the search filters are slim pickings and don't include may of the options that you get when you are in Video Center


Actual Behavior

In Composer, when adding a video to a story inline the Video Center modal doesn't include some important search filters. Specifically the Website and Sections are missing under the Section tab. There are other fields that are missing too, but the Website and Sections seem to be the highest priority.

Expected Behavior

I expect to see the same search filters that are available in Video Center. I especially expect to see the Websites and Sections under the Section tab.



Video Center filter options

Composer Video Center modal filter options

  • Sara Skinner Cole
  • Dec 6 2019
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Evan Sundwick commented
      January 23, 2020 16:16

      We shipped this update as a part of Video Center 1.92, which is available in Sandbox environments from 1/22/20 - 2/19/20 (at which point it will be released to Production environments). Check it out and please send me any feedback you may have!