Ideas for Arc XP

Caption field should be longer than 160 characters

Currently captions are capped inside the video center UI at 160 characters. This is very short. The API allows for longer fields, but then these cannot be edited in the UI.

  • Michael Newman
  • Feb 5 2020
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Troy Blevins commented
    August 26, 2022 16:25

    Hi again,

    We still see this in the "Planned" status, which was requested in 2020. Is there a timeline on when this will become available in Video Center?

    I would love to understand the timing on when we can have this capability. Even 250 characters would be beneficial in this field.


  • Troy Blevins commented
    June 24, 2021 14:17

    Hi there,

    I see this Arc Idea is in the "Planned" status. Is there an update on when this may go live? Will this be a setting that can be customized? Thanks!

  • Francine Frazier commented
    July 22, 2020 18:53

    This is an absolutely essential change. 160 characters is simply NOT enough for video captions and having the API and UI have two different allowances is VERY frustrating when trying to edit in the UI. Thank you!