Ideas for Arc XP

Fallback text to help debug unsupported components in an output type

We would like a message to display when a component is not supported by the current output type on a pagebuilder page/template. We use the fallback = false setting on a lot of our output types in order to reduce the overall bundle size, so we often don’t fallback to the default output type. Here is an example:

A developer creates a new default component: components/features/example/example/default.jsx

They add this component to a page that uses the amp output type. The component doesn’t appear on the page because a components/features/example/example/amp.jsx file doesn’t exist, and the developer is confused.

I would like to display a message instead that says something like “this component 'example/default' is not supported by your current output type 'amp' ”.

  • Guest
  • Feb 19 2024
  • Future consideration
Categories Developer Workflow
  • Attach files