Ideas for Arc XP

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ARCAds should support AMP "data-block-on-consent" for CCPA/GDPR

It is necessary for publisher to honor requests from consumers in compliance with California CCPA and Euro GDPR.

For Google AMP pages, this can involve using the amp-ad attriubte "data-block-on-consent".

Since ARCAds is a wrapper to the amp-ad tag, we would like to see support in ARCAds to selectively enable the data block attribute.

I put this in PageBuilder Fusion because I cannot find where to put in Ideas for ArcAds.

  • John Flaherty
  • Sep 2 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Tania Lee commented
      October 13, 2020 20:43

      Hi John, there is a way you can accomplish this on your end and I've let Ian know to reach out to you about your options.