Ideas for Arc XP

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Allow Customization of Environment Display Name in Site Service

Each Arc instance hardcodes the the display names of an Arc environment, eg Production , Sandbox . For orgs, that have multiple environments it can be easy to be confused what env you are looking as instance backend URLs will not necessarily correspond cleanly. For example:

It makes sense that = and {org} = . Looking at the identifier Production or Sandbox as the display name in the upper right corner of PB its very clear.

If you have another instance, however, like sandbox.{org} = and {org} = the identifiers Production and Sandbox are confusing when context switching between environments.

Please consider allowing orgs to request custom name returned in apps.json

{ "organization":"org", "environment":"production", "name":"Production", "production":false, "environments":[ { "domain":"", "name":"Dev2", "production":false, "active":true } ], "applications":[]}
  • Spencer Beggs
  • Feb 25 2022
  • Will not implement
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      Fatih Yildiz commented
      March 01, 2022 21:10

      Hi Spencer,

      Thanks for submitting this idea. I understand the pain point and followed up with the platform team who sets up environment names but got the same answer you had in ACSSO-2746 and an additional context of why it can't be changed. Unfortunately, we have a standardized way to provide 6 sets of environments for each organization and, the environment names are tied to many service configurations that can't be adjusted for custom naming.

      On the engine side, we're exploring a feature that may help your environment configuration (seeing a lot of testing focused environment set up).